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How can I correct 11020 (0x2b0c) error within 5 minutes?

Rencent months we have received a few messages on repairing 11020 (0x2b0c) errors. It is an troublesome windows error, will affact your using experience for your PC, and likely to give rise to system corruption. For readers' convenience, this blog is about to tell you what is 11020 (0x2b0c), why should you fiddle with it and introduce methods to renovate 11020 (0x2b0c) without delay.

Why Should You Fix 11020 (0x2b0c) Error?

11020 (0x2b0c) error could delete several important system files which is essentital to windows system, if no measures taken to against 11020 (0x2b0c) error or don't resolve it thoroughly or keep some leftover on your pc, your windows is possibly to be ruined and then you may need a new computer in near future.

How to Fix 11020 (0x2b0c)

Manually resolving the 11020 (0x2b0c) error can be tough task for users whom is not expert in computer. By using this method to correct the issue you should study each of potential factors and go over them one by one until you find out the positive method. The easiest way is applying an automatic fixing tool, such as SmartPCFixer. For detailed fixing process please follow comming steps.

How to Fix 11020 (0x2b0c) ?

1. Click the below button to download 11020 (0x2b0c) Error Fixer.

2. Launch the the software, it will give your computer a full scan automatically, the scan result of errors and threats will be shown later.

3. Through clicking on 'Fix All' button, the 11020 (0x2b0c) error will be corrected along with other problems that was found in previous move.
11020 (0x2b0c)

How to fix 11020 (0x2b0c) Manually ?

Step 1, Uninstall Recent Installed Software:

Open "Programs and Features" via Ctrl + Esc, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking "Programs and Features".
Select a program, and then click Uninstall.

Step 2, Run System File Checker to Fix "11020 (0x2b0c)" Error:

  • Press Win+R button on your keyboard;
  • Type "cmd", press "Enter";
  • Type SFC /SCANNOW in the command window;
  • Press ENTER.

Note: System File Checker is an utility in windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in windows system files and recover damaged files.Please do not close this Command Prompt window until the verification is 100% complete. The scan results is going to be shown after this process is finished.

Step 3, Verify If "11020 (0x2b0c)" Has Been Fixed.

Run your pc under safe mode, and then you may receive message from system about whether your error being successfully repaired. If not, you may apply next solution -- "11020 (0x2b0c)" repairing tool.

Tages: | 11020 (0x2b0c)
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by hadlpmtvaek | 2016-11-17 18:38